we broke for dinner then, and all went to a LICENSED restaurant and drank a goodly amount of of mood enhancer. i discovered a very lovely zinfandel that i'd like to get to know better.
the show went relatively smoothly, and it's over. the theatre was almost exactly 1/6 full... the bare minimum required to pay for the rental of the thing. it was, incidentally, a magnificent theatre. acoustics to die for... not a dead spot or a bad seat in the room, which seats a little over 600. spacious wings and lots of dressing room space and storage. sprung wood floor on stage, professional lighting and sound techs, excellent equipment, all well maintained.
the cast and production crew all deserve medals for pulling this off. the perpetrators should be jailed and an attempt at rehabilitation made. though i'm not hopefull that they can be redeemed. it was something close to 1:30 a.m. by the time the sets, costumes, etc. were packed and we could begin the 1 1/2 hour drive home.
so, after arriving home at 3 a.m. this morning, i slept till about 10, and took chainsaw in hand, to burn off any residual adrenaline. there were some unruly Manitoba maples that needed topping, as they're shading the vegetable garden. they've been converted to tall stumps, which in a few years, will hopefully have transformed into a thick hedge, breaking the prevailing, and very persistent west wind. they'll also provide a private place to loaf in my hammock and enjoy a cool glass of lemonade on hot summer days. AND i'm counting on them to encourage the neighbors' dogs to find somewhere else to leave their noisome and incessant deposits.
from the maples, i have about a half cord of firewood, all nicely cut to stove lengths for the dreamed-of wood burning fireplace. perhaps by next winter i'll have sorted out the 'who, what, when, where, and how' of getting that up and running. and there's a very big pile of brush that i'll have to tote off to the dump.
all the little tomato seedlings started 'way back on St. Patrick's Day are now close to a foot tall, and thriving. the next project is to repair the greenhouse roof, which is in need of new skin, so they can go to their summer residence. they're gazing fondly out the big south window at it, even now, sighing wistfully, and looking reproachfully over their shoulders at me.
the whiz kids were home for a visit over their spring break, and had some friends over. one fellow asked, "your Mum has a grow op?" younger whiz answered, "they're tomaotes" the buddy replied, "sure. that's what they all say!" i also got them to dig me a trench about 25 feet long and a 1/2 meter wide, for a line of raspberry bushes along the east edge of the property (another dog deterrent) which they cleverly dubbed 'the mass grave'. when word gets out about what's going on in my quiet little plot of land, the police will be watching me very carefully.
lovely to be home a bit. been off work for the last week as well, but that was taken up with much needed outside work, and the !~#%&* play, so not on line much. back at work tomorrow, so will be back in the blog neighborhood more regularly then.
In response to the last sentence: good...
Regarding "the !~#%&* play":
Congratulations on making it through!
Your tomatoes are a foot high?! Oh, I'm envious! Mine are but an inch or two!
I can hardly wait for the raspberry jam!
Glad the play's over - you made it!
Any grannyfiddler that can also operate a chain saw is very impressive to me. Glad the shows are over and will be looking for more posts. ec
I'm glad that turkey of a play is over, that must have been awful to live through! Your the one who deseves the medle for going throught with it!
Next project up the garden? Great! I'm working on mine too.
glad it's all over, now take a deep breath and let it all go. . . relax in the garden, watching somebody else do the digging, nice!
View from the Audience
Musical play was heavenly spotlight
United spirits under footlights
Words of a passionate playwright
Passions under a pale moonlight
Actor’s hearts heard fast beating
Playful treasures for your safekeeping
best wishes
it feels good to be back in the blog neighborhood. thanks, neighbors.
I'm glad you survived!
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