Thursday, March 02, 2006


thanks, all, for the birthday greetings. it was a very lovely day with many greetings from far away friends and family. i'll not forget that i'm loved for a whilie. a neighbor came and shared some blackberry cider (that another friend had given me for a birthday treat) in the evening, so i didn't make it to the computer for my birtdhday blog. he did, howerver, get the modem all set up, etc, so i'm set to go.

the friend who gave the blackberry cider also called the local radio station to ask to have me added to the list of birtday greetings, and chatted up the announcer, whose children i used to teach violin. later, when the announcer came to list all the birthdays for the day, he began with something like, "this is a day when a lot of good-looking women were born" and proceeded to list the name of famous 'babes' born March 1 - and added my name to the end of the list. so everywhere i went yesterday, men were giving me big smiles, and wishing me a VERY happy birthday. not the sort of thing a granny expects on her birthday, but kind of fun, in a mildly embarassing way.

Mum - i do have a few recipes, but it's only me here to eat the stuff, and i'm trying very hard to lose the weight i gained over Christmas. and gf cakes only get gritty when you have to keep them awhile, or freeze them. so, yes, i gave up cake for Lent. (if i'm struck by lighning for pretending it was a REAL sacrifice, i hope you'll write, and sing, a lovely song for my funeral service... i guess i'll have been cremated..? so please scatter the ashes over my strawberry bed. ashes are said to deter slugs.)


Blogger mreddie said...

It wouldn't be hard for me to give up cakes either, now pies would be another matter. ec

7:43 PM  
Blogger granny p said...

oh oh I missed the birthday blog so belated greetings.... as for ashes deterring the slugs - what a fabulous idea. Would keep them off the hostas too, not that they grow here. (No slugs either.)

12:19 AM  
Blogger Janice Seagraves said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Dosen't ashes make the soil alkaline? Our soils PH is already alkaline, but it is a good helpful hint anyway.


11:11 PM  

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