Monday, February 13, 2006


camera envy

in stolen moments when i take my coffee and lunch breaks at my desk, i cruise the postings of others... others all seem to have digital cameras. then i come home to grannyfiddler, an alphabetical wasteland. sigh. serious camera envy.

after all the years of living in the bush at a subsistence level, then in a small town, growing a big garden, and shopping at the second-hand stores, sewing most of my kids' clothes, with no thought of, or desire for, the latest 'toys', i'm feeling a bit out of character. maybe i wasn't so much living the 'pure life' out of some wholesome, altruistic motive, but just unaware of other possibilities. now, with the kids grown and gone, and the best-paying job i've ever had, for the first time in my life, i have disposable income.

and i want to buy stuff... a digital camera... a celtic harp and electronic sound equipment.... a solar/wind generating system to get, at least partly, off-grid... land by the sea on the west coast, for a family holiday spot where i can go with my kids and grandkids...

and it's all do-able now. a bit overwhelming.


Blogger clairesgarden said...

I hope you find a camera you enjoy using. I love the freedom from buying film and paying for it to be developed only to discover half of them are blurred etc.
a celtic harp.. wow.. that would be lovely.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Janice Seagraves said...


Aw, I was gonna say that!

Well I can add try e-bay! You might find a great deal on those things you are thinking of getting.


10:19 PM  
Blogger Madcap said...

I must say, the digital camera is a heck of an improvement on the non-digital variety, but occasionally I'd like some actual physical photos in my hot little hand. I've never put anything on a disc and taken it for developing yet. Just lazy. But think of all the developer and packaging that isn't being used because of digital. A "greener" technology for sure.

I have camera envy too, of people like Clare with their close-ups. Mine won't do that, but the truth is, I don't play with mine enough or take enough pictures to make it worthwhile upgrading.

10:14 AM  
Blogger clairesgarden said...

just another note on cameras, since I took my new one out of its box last Friday I am finding the wealth of information in the instructions just a bit too much! so I'm going to put it onto 'automatic everything' and point and shoot it till I get a better feel for it, its bigger and heavier than the last one. I started with a Fuji A204, then had a Fuji F610 and now have a Canon S2 IS which is the camera Jim from Earth Home Garden and Norene from Norenes5percent have. I really changed so I can have the better zoom because the 610 was a great easy camera.

11:59 PM  
Blogger granny p said...

Do it!! Why not. Digital camera is fun, though you may find like me you do it madly for a bit then not for a while, then do it again. It's not hard to put stuff up either. (Techno butterfingers me, but if I can do it anyone can. And more likely you're not a technobf anyway...)

6:02 AM  
Blogger Leslee said...

Granny, honestly, I google for most of my pictures (no one really I do have a digital camera for some stuff, some pictures I scan in (from the scanner in my office).

Hope you find one that you like.

Madcapmum, have you ever checked into You up-load pictures from your computer and you get them in the mail about a week or so later. Not sure how it'd work for Canada, but worth looking into to have the pictures in your hot little hand without making a disk to take somewhere.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Have you ever noticed all the grannies show up in a bunch?

I love my digital and I've finally learned which side down the photo paper should be.

Expensive stuff photo paper but still cheaper than developing.

5:22 PM  

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