Tuesday, March 28, 2006

it's not spring here

it wants to be spring here, but it isn't yet. spring in northern Canada is a bit hard to identify. the calendar says it's spring, but we're still slogging through snow. had a light skiff last night, in fact. but the air is warm (for northern Canada in March) and the sun grows stronger every day. like it's recovering from a long bout with some wasting disease. a little stronger and steadier and heartier every day. By the time we have green trees and fields, flowers and butterflies, the calendar says we're closer to summer than spring. for me, when the pussywillows peek out, it's officially spring, though there'll be nary a sign of green, for perhaps weeks to come. it's always a very trying time for me. spring seems so slow in coming.

so, i've been surfing the blogsites of others, savoring the photos of trees covered in a mist of baby green, of spring flowers and critters. i look out my own window at winter's dirty laundry, piled in soiled heaps along the roadsides, and i'm so very glad she's left. she's like a house guest who never picks up after herself, and expects others to clean up the messes she leaves in her wake. good riddance. but we know she'll be back all too soon, fresh and white and charming.

lunch break is over.. back to the salt mines.


Blogger clairesgarden said...

it is frustrating waiting for the weather to be a bit nicer, I do cross stitch during the winter to pass the time but its not the same as being in the garden, or gong out after work and kayaking till it gets dark!

11:51 PM  
Blogger granny p said...

Nice post. Funny how to think how I'd like to see snow sometimes. My island is edging into summer - ie it's drying up and flowers are dying. AND YOU HAVE IT ALL TO COME! (As has London where I am now; where it's late. But at least it lacks the dirty laundry.

4:50 AM  
Blogger Leslee said...

"i look out my own window at winter's dirty laundry, piled in soiled heaps along the roadsides, and i'm so very glad she's left. she's like a house guest who never picks up after herself, and expects others to clean up the messes she leaves in her wake. good riddance. but we know she'll be back all too soon, fresh and white and charming."

Wow... what an AWESOME description!

I must say that I don't know how you go so long without spring. Here, in Oklahoma, the days are getting warmer, even though winter is still flirting with us. I've already broke out my capris and sandals. Here in about another 10 degrees I will be in Heaven.

Blessings my friend.

10:42 AM  
Blogger mreddie said...

Sometimes spring comes too soon - this was the case with my fig trees, they got nipped by a late frost last weekend. The biggest one is already starting to come back. Wow, it is supposed to be 80F by this weekend. ec

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a creative blogger you are. I love your metaphors

9:49 AM  

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