i see them commuting each morning, in the public transit 'V' formation they favor, sometimes by the hundreds. they breakfast on gleaned grain in the yet-to-be ploughed and planted fields. they're especially fond of field peas. then they find a nice pool for a dip somewhere before returning to the fields for a leisurely early evening dinner as the sun weakens. as the sky warms to pink and purple and gold, the V-train returns the commuters home to their marshes, to tuck their heads under a wing under a star-pricked sky.
i wonder if they always use the same wing, or if they alternate? Right tuck or left? And do they ever have a crick in their necks in the morning?
How fortunate you are.
Merced has many cranes and we go down to the canals and watch them.
No geese except flying once in a blue moon.
granny - we have huge white swans too. the sun hits them and lighs them up as if from within. a few sandhill cranes; more herons - especially blue ones. it seems the whole world comes to life again after the spring thaw.
The crick in the neck is something I can associate with, and I don't have a wing to tuck it under. If they did get a crick, it would probably make them fly sideways. ec
We went to Fresno last Saturday, and had dinner at a Chinese resturant on Blackstone. As I was waiting for our meal I looked at the window and saw about four or five Canadian geese flying over head in a mini V formation. I guess they had spoted a empty lot to land in, and were winging there way to it.
Our rain is finally over(I think) and now it is starting to warm up, it was 80 degrees today.
Yep, it's finally Spring!
Your post about the wild geese reminds me of one of my favourite stories as a child namely Paul Gallico’s Snow Goose.
Heres my verse about birds –so free! I doubt if there is any crink in their neck
The deep oceans currents are still guided by stars
As the birds migration are white dots from afar
The earth is refreshed as they soar through the air
The joys of new freedoms a springtime without care
Mr. E - i'm giggling at my desk as i watch the geese navigate overhead, out my window... craning my neck to see if any are flying sideways
Janice - we're still waiting for a real rain. very little snow this past winter, and no rain to speak of yet. the melting snow is usually what gives the earth a good soak to start things out here; without it, we're very dry. Doom and gloom-ers are forecasting drought.
Lindsay Lobe - 'the earth is refreshed as they soar through the air' describes exactly how i feel about the geese... they bring my winter weary soul back to life. do you write songs?
I have witten a few for my youngest daughter who is a singer/ songwriter. Your welcome to visit her blog at
and its also linked to mine -click on rachael byrnes.
best wishes
Thank you for stopping at my blogg. Yes everything is changing even in my own yard. Tulips are starting to bloom and my lilics are just on the edge of blooming.
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