Thursday, November 24, 2005


well, look at that! i did it!

now i'm feeling very self-conscious. no longer invisible. and a little intimidated by some of the blogs i've cruised. i know it's not a competition, but beginners at anything always feel inadequate. and there's some very good stuff out there.

But i've begun!


Blogger Madcap said...

Hey - you're virtually alive! So, now that you've got the net at home....?

5:18 AM  
Blogger grannyfiddler said...

"virtually alive"?

not sure i like the sound of that. i want to be completely alive.

now that i've got the net at home i'll be working very hard to complete the first level of the production accounting course.

if the fine arts job i just applied for doesn't pan out, i'll sign up for the second level and work very hard at that... and the third and fourth. if the fine arts job does come come through i'll be cramming to finish level one before my last day at work, so i don't have to pay back the poor starving oil company for the cost of tuition, materials, and the extension on the course i got only hours before the fine arts people called to ask me to come to a job intierview. it's a wiggly world.

my email at home doesn't seem to be working. the stuff i sent myself from work hasn't arrived.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Thank you for the kind words this morning. We grannies rock and occasionally rebel - hence the name of my blog in addition to being a play on the names of my girls; ROChelle, REBecca and ELcie.

I would have been willing to change as well although it was kind of fun and I can imagine the looks of confusion when we both showed up at once.

My email address is over on the sidebar if you ever want to communicate without going through the comments. Entirely up to you.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Leslee said...

Welcome to the blog-sphere! We're generally nice peoples.

12:52 PM  

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